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Things have picked up quite quickly here at the International Governance and Compliance Association (AGRC).

We’ve had a busy first year of existence, getting to know many of our colleagues and establishing solid relationships with multiple organizations working in the GRC world and beyond.

In Issue Two, we shine a bright light on several of our members via our exclusive interview series and touch upon Environment, Sustainability and Governance (ESG) issues and how they have become a cornerstone for businesses across the globe.

This issue’s ESG content will tie in nicely with our upcoming webinar titled The Past, Present and Future of ESG, starring a couple of experts that are ready to share their Latin American and European perspectives on this trending topic. It’s not too late for you to book your spot, so hop to it.

We’ve also covered some of the latest news coming from Europe on the region’s efforts to curtail cybercrime and money laundering via the creation of specialized task forces and agencies destined to combatting both.

Finally, our second issue offers those newbies among us some tips on what it takes to become a compliance expert, set up a compliance function for your firm, and work in what’s becoming an even more highly regulated world.

What’s Covered in Volume 2?

Here is Volume Two’s table of contents to whet your appetite:

– How to Become a Compliance or AML Professional

– Why Does Regulation Matter in the Financial Markets?

– Compliance Challenges, ESG & COVID-19: An Interview with Michael Floros

– What is ESG & Why It’s Important

– Three Big Challenges in ESG Integration Investing

– Can Europe Establish a Green Model of Capitalism?

– EU to Launch Joint Cybersecurity Task Force

– EU to Set Up an AML Agency

– How to Use Interviews to Promote Your Business

– 6 Key Traits of a Chief Compliance Officer

– 6 Tips to Build a Modern Compliance Function for Your Firm

– Payment Platforms, the Forex Market & KYC/CDD Explored: An Interview with Georgios Pantzis

– Debt & Equity Markets, Company Valuations & Corporate Governance Explored: An Interview with Bekhruzbek Ochilov

Contribute to Volume 3!

We sure hope Volume 3, which should be released in March 2022, is full of your articles, thoughts and opinion.

Let’s get that brilliant mind of yours working and send us an email at if you want to contribute your own article to our bimonthly magazine.

Remember, however, that any article you pitch should cover one of our three focus areas (Compliance, Governance & Risk), fall between 800 to 1200 words in length, and not be advertorial in nature.

We’re looking for well researched and well written articles introducing a topic or providing your opinion on the present and future of the GRC sector.

The deadline for the submission of articles for Volume 3 is February 21st, 2022, so contact us as soon as possible to get the ball rolling.

Always looking forward to reading and promoting your work!

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