The Association of Governance, Risk and Compliance (AGRC)

You’ve been diligent and studious, investing your time and effort completing your compliance, AML and risk management qualification.

Upon graduation, you’re fully versed on how things are done in the industry. You are equipped to answer question after question on regulations, best practices, methodologies and the latest trends in compliance and its related topics.

But now it’s time to find a job and put into practice these newly acquired skills and qualifications.

What options are available to professionals who have recently completed their qualification in compliance and governance?

What are the many benefits afforded by completing this type of qualification?

Here we will break down these opportunities for you, highlighting some of these qualifications’ main advantages, and confirm that there are in fact plenty of jobs available for those of you who decide to pursue a qualification with AGRC.

Head of Compliance, AML Officer & Risk Manager

In this day and age, with more stringent regulations on beneficial ownership, the source of funds moving across the globe, and market abuse, among others, it is paramount for companies to have in place Compliance, Risk Management and AML officers, or at least a team of employees that has been equipped with the required qualifications and knowledge to perform this job alongside their daily duties.

Companies not only in the financial services sectors have countless rules they have to comply with and keeping track of all of these can be a burdensome process. For instance, the list of acronyms financial service companies need to keep track of is endless: FATCA, CRS, DAC-6, CbCR, MiFID, EMIR, SFTR, ASIC-DTRS, RTS 27/28, eKYC, AMLD, ad infinitum.

Likewise, understanding these rules and knowing exactly what is required from you by the relevant authorities can be a tricky and time consuming exercise.

As a result, companies must put in place an entire set of best practices and procedures to efficiently and appropriately comply with these regulatory obligations. Therefore, they require people who have the skills and knowledge required to perform these duties.

Obviously, adding such a qualification to your roster of accomplishments prepares you to become a Compliance and AML officer or Risk manager, showing your company or a potential employer that you are well versed in this field and passionate about dealing with such issues.

Once you are in this position, you will be ready to reduce your company’s legal risks and costs, help it build more trust amongst its clientele, implement and promote a culture of compliance across its many divisions, and improve its overall productivity.

Hands-On Approach

AGRC’s certifications follow a practical, hands-on approach to learning about compliance, risk management and AML and how to manage these issues for your company.

We rely heavily on case studies and present day examples—situations any company might face at one point or another—to relay information on how to best carry out compliance, risk management and AML programs at your own companies.

This hands-on approach will equip you with the necessary tools to follow through with your obligations as compliance or AML officer in the most efficient, cost effective and responsible way possible.

Additionally, we’ll provide you with the online support you will need to overcome obstacles, get answers to your most pressing questions, and interact with fellow professionals who might be facing similar issues at work.

International in Scope

Considering the global nature of our industry, AGRC’s qualifications are international in scope.

We will be scouring the world and its many industries for case studies on compliance, anti-money laundering, governance, risk management and cyber security to provide you with an ample picture of how these various topics are treated across the globe.

Our reading material and guest speakers will also be international in scope, focusing on the differing socioeconomic, cultural and political positions on compliance and its related topics.

What better way of learning about a topic than taking a holistic, international view where different perspectives and methodologies come together, helping you shape and ultimately define your own?

Professional and Personal Pledge

Receiving a qualification in compliance and governance shows that you are fully committed to your career and looking to improve your positioning within the industry.

These kinds of qualifications prove to your current and future employers that you have a passion for the subject matter and that you believe expanding your knowledge and skill base is an important component of your own development as both an individual and professional.

Additionally, it gives you a step up on the competition as you have now acquired the toolkit to perform a fundamental job in any company.

Are there any other benefits you can think of that maybe we have left out?

Submit them as a comment and let’s start a conversation!

If you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to reach us at We’d be happy to help.

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